The Museum Platform Roadmap

v2.0 is here!
The Museum Platform > How we can help > The Museum Platform Roadmap

Public Roadmap

We’ve got a public Trello board where we publish a high-level roadmap of our development. This gives an overview of what we’re working on at the moment, and we encourage you to engage with it by getting in touch to ask us about what it might mean for your museum project.

One of the important things about the way The Museum Platform is built is that it is a platform and not just a static piece of software. This means it improves all the time as we build new features, squash bugs and identify which bits are working really well for our clients, and which need improvement.

A virtuous cycle

When an individual client using the Platform asks us for something that isn’t yet available, we consider its utility against our wider list of clients. If it’s very specific to that single client, we just build it for them. If, however, it’s something that everyone could benefit from, we’ll aim to make a more widely available version – and we do this at a discount, what we’re calling our Enable discount.

This means that the Platform is always improving, which we think makes for a better product for everyone – for us, for our potential clients and for anyone who is already on-board using what we’ve made.